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dc.contributor.authorKaragwa, Dorothy
dc.identifier.citationKaragwa,D. (2021). Bricolage, Social Networking, Entrepreneurial Competence and Growth of Social Enterprises in Kampala District Unpublished Master’s Dissertation. Makerere University Business School, Kampala, Uganda.en_US
dc.descriptionA Dissertation Submitted To Makerere University Business School (Faculty Of Graduate Studies And Research) In Partial Fulfillment Of The Requirements For The Award Of The Degree Of Master Of Science In Entrepreneurship Of Makerere University Plan Aen_US
dc.description.abstractThe study was aimed at examining the relationship that exists between bricolage, social networking, entrepreneurial competence and growth of social enterprises. The study was guided by the following research objectives; to establish the relationship between bricolage and growth of social enterprises among Community Based Organizations (CBOs) in Kampala district, to establish the relationship between social networking and growth of social enterprises among Community Based Organizations (CBOs) in Kampala district and to establish the relationship between entrepreneurial competences and growth of social enterprises among Community Based Organizations (CBOs) in Kampala district. A sample of 234 was selected from 558 Community Based Organizations (CBOs) operating in Kampala district using the rotary procedure of simple random sampling. A sample of 222 CBOs responded giving a response rate of 95.68%. A cross sectional research design was adopted which involved descriptive, correlation and regression approaches. The findings indicated the following correlations: that there is a significant positive (r=.228** , p< .05) followed by bricolage (Beta = .108, P < .01) and lastly social networking has minimal contribution (Beta = .026, P < .05) The researcher therefore, recommends that; grants should be provided to strengthen the ability or capacity of social entrepreneurs engaging in innovation to help them run their social enterprises successfully, social enterprises should establish strategic partnerships with other organizations to gain access to new markets which could serve as potential distribution channels for their goods or services, they should also engage in training and capacity building to help their teams develop skills such as higher levels of proactive behavior in terms of strategic planning, opportunity seeking enabling growth of social enterprises.en_US
dc.publisherMakerere University Business Schoolen_US
dc.subjectSocial Networkingen_US
dc.subjectEntrepreneurial Competenceen_US
dc.subjectGrowth of Social Enterprisesen_US
dc.subjectKampala Districten_US
dc.titleBricolage, Social Networking, Entrepreneurial Competence and Growth of Social Enterprises in Kampala Districten_US

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